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Review: Crest 3D Advance Luxe Whitestrips & Toothpaste
Wednesday 13 July 2016 at July 13, 2016
On the 18th June 2016, I finally got my braces off. I already knew that I wanted to whiten my teeth when I get them off. So a few days later I purchased the Crest 3D Advance Luxe Whitestrips and it came with a toothpaste. I got them from the shop "whitemoomoo" from Shopee SG.

Crest 3D's Whitestrips is highly raved among many many Bloggers and Youtubers, so I wanted to try them out myself. I couldn't find a detailed review about it so hopefully this review will be one.

One box comes with 20 packet of strips and it is designed to be used everyday for a 20-day treatment. Crest 3D offers a wide range of different whitestrips that are designed to be used differently, so make sure you choose the one that suits you best! For the one I'm using, I'm supposed to be able to see a difference from the 3rd or 4th treatment.

Once opened, you will see 2 strips, one for the upper teeth and one for the lower teeth. Peel them off the plastic sheet and stick the adhesive side onto your teeth. I like to carefully press them firmly onto my teeth for maximum coverage. For the Advance Luxe Whitestrips, leave them on for 30 minutes.

I have no idea why some bloggers claim that the strips are tasteless and they don't even realise it's there after awhile... Personally, the moment it was close to my teeth, I could smell it and it was gross. Apart from the strong and pungent smell and slight chemical taste, there were no other major problems such as the strips slipping out of place. I also found out that sticking it on your gum, rather than just sticking it to your teeth and then folding the excess inwards, feels a lot better! 

Having it on my teeth wasn't a pleasant experience because I am honestly not a fan of the taste and feel of it inside my mouth. There is also a very slight tingling feeling on my teeth and gums, it was weird and slightly uncomfortable but it was not bearable and painful to wear. Thankfully, I only need to have it on for 30 minutes and that went by pretty fast after I have distracted myself.

After 30 minutes, you can easily peel the strips off. Then, it's time to brush! I was told that it's best to wait 30 minutes before brushing. I used the Crest 3D Toothpaste that came with the set I got. 

After I was done with the 1-day treatment, I noticed that there were white spots all over my teeth and it looked really bad because it kinda accentuated the yellower parts of my teeth. But as written on Crest 3D's FAQ page, the white spots are harmless and will go away in a few hours. Since I put the strips on at night, they were gone by the time I wake up in the morning. So if it's your first time, I highly suggest you wear them at night before going to bed instead of in the morning, just in case! As the spots doesn't look nice at all.

Time for pictures of my teeth! I try to take all the shots at the same timing to minimise lighting difference.

Before any treatment:

After 1st Treatment:

I didn't see any difference in the colour of my teeth. You can also notice the white spots all over.

After 2nd Treatment:

Not much difference here...

After 4th Treatment:

After the 4th day, I realised my teeth became super sensitive and my gums were so prone to bleeding when brushing. Honestly the thought of brushing my teeth scares me! The stinging feeling also became stronger whilst application so I decided to give my teeth a break at this point of time. I didn't use it for the next 4 days. Brushing became normal after 2-3 days of not using the strips and my gums stopped bleeding too. I noticed my teeth were whiter than when I first started, so I just continued with a whitening toothpaste.

After 5th Treatment:

My teeth were no longer sensitive by now, I also realised that you're not supposed to brush your teeth immediately after removing the strips. Also, applying the strips away from my gums also made it less sensitive and stinging (it was more uncomfortable as you have to tuck in the excess but I think that was actually the right way to apply it!). I also got more used to the smell and taste of it so it was not as bad as the first time.

After I was done with the 5th treatment, I was really happy with how my teeth looks like and I started receiving compliments on how white my teeth looked! I've stopped using the strips for the time being because the sensitivity and bleeding during brushing really scares me. So currently I'm just making sure not to stain my teeth with any coffee, tea, or dark coloured food or sodas. I'm also using a whitening toothpaste to maintain it's whiteness.

Overall, I am really satisfied with the results. Not to mention it was really quick as you really don't have to wait for the full 20 days to see results. You can definitely see the difference in my videos too! In this video, I just got my braces off and you can totally tell how yellow it was. While in this vlog, you can see that my teeth were not as yellow anymore! So I will definitely recommend it to anyone who is looking to whiten their teeth at an affordable price. 

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